IP transit

center3's IP Transit service offers customers a highly robust and resilient connectivity solution to the global internet, providing dedicated data connections and strong Tier 1 peerings . Our expert team ensures that clients have access to the largest and most comprehensive IP networks globally through our extensive peering arrangements with major international carriers and Internet Exchanges.

    this service offers

    customers a highly robust and resilient connectivity solution to the global internet

    this service provides

    high-quality service ensures that customers can enjoy a seamless and uninterrupted internet experience

    the center3 team of consultants

    ensures that clients have access to the largest and most comprehensive IP networks globally

the center3 IP transit service

our dedication to providing high-quality service ensures that customers can enjoy a seamless and uninterrupted internet experience, enhancing their business capabilities and productivity.





    robust and resilient connectivity solution

    robust and resilient connectivity solution

with our IP transit service

customers can enjoy fast and reliable internet connectivity, enabling them to access critical data and applications with ease.