hands and eyes

center3's Hands and Eyes service offers comprehensive on-site technical assistance to clients who have their equipment hosted in our Data Centers.

    this service offers

    comprehensive on-site technical assistance to clients who have their equipment hosted in our Data Centers

    center3 provides

    support for troubleshooting or replacing customers’ defective equipment within our Data Center facility, under the client's instructions

    the experienced team of center3

    is available to comply with client instructions for remote management through a simple, step-by-step procedure, ensuring that your equipment is running smoothly and efficiently.

center3's Hands and Eyes service

adhere to world-class standards and processes based on evolving international best practices.

    on-site technical assistance

    on-site technical assistance

    remote management

    remote management

    support for troubleshooting

    support for troubleshooting

with our hands and eyes service

you can have peace of mind knowing that your equipment is in good hands and that any issues will be resolved promptly by our expert technicians.